My Lawyer Abroad

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Join our International Lawyers Network

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Join MyLA,  International Lawyers Network

My Lawyer AbroadMyLA – is an International network of Independent lawyers in different Countries, serving similar sectors and sharing common standards, and are able to offer a multi-country or cross border service to international customers. The members of the network have come together to offer professional services at the highest standards.

International markets, multiculturalism, multinational companies, cross nations interests, migration, international marriages /divorce, international taxation and so on, represent a growing reality to which Lawyers from all around the world must adapt. If becoming a Lawyer has always been difficult, being an international Lawyer is even more difficult. The skills required, knowledge and different languages makes International advising extremely difficult.

Thus said, we fully understand the International environment, the challenges of cross border issues and the problems a person or company may face in a foreign Country. And, in order to offer professional results and be able to face the ever-changing needs of individuals travelling, moving or living abroad, companies  operating at an international level, and lots of other cross border issues, we have developed an integrated network of Independent lawyers that makes this process as smooth as possible.

We assist our customers with their legal problems in many countries through our Lawyers and other colleagues in the network. All member lawyers affiliated with our network are Professional Lawyers, Registered and speak English fluently, and are able to provide a variety of legal services in the country they practice, and at a reasonable price.

The purpose of MyLA is:

1.- To attend English-speaking customers in different Countries where English is not widely spoken;

2.- To be the perfect solution for the Global Citizen in the International environment;

3.- To become a strong International Lawyers Network that allows Independent Lawyers and small Law Firms to grow together.

Who can join us

 MyLA – My Lawyer Abroad International Lawyers Network membership is available to Independent Lawyers as well as small Law firms (up to 10 lawyers max.). 

Our International Network is also opened to connected legal service providers such as Notaries, Accountants, Auditors and Economists, Sworn Translators, Court Experts, Detectives, Quality Certifications, Real Estate Agencies, Architects, Financial services for foreigners, Mortgages for foreigners, Insurance for foreigners, International Relocations /Mobility, and others…

In order to be considered, every Legal Professional must fill the following requirements:

  • The Lawyer /legal professional will speak a high-level of English.
  • The Lawyer /legal professional will be recognized and have a good reputation.
  • The Lawyer /legal professional is registered with their relevant Professional Regulatory Body before joining our network.
  • The Lawyer /legal professional will be covered by professional indemnity insurance.
  • The lawyers and other professionals of the network must provide correct quotations that are guaranteed to be competitive.
  • The collaborator agrees to undergo the accepted assignments with the maximum professionalism.

Once a Member and in order to go on with MyLA, the Lawyer /Legal professional must:

1.- Fill the initial requirements that granted the access to MyLA.

2.- Keeps high standard of quality in attending the accepted assignments from MyLA..

3.- Prove to be an Active member of MyLA.

4.- Fill the compromise of payments acquired while in MyLA.


 Why Join us?

 MyLAis an International network of Independent lawyers in different Countries, serving similar sectors and sharing common standards, and are able to offer a multi-country or cross border service to international customers. And, the 3rd Purpose of MyLA is to become a strong International Lawyers Network that allows Independent Lawyers and small Law Firms to grow together. 

We strongly believe that there is Strength in numbers and that the Union makes force. Thus said, a few colleagues with different backgrounds have decided to work together in order to reach better results. And, we welcome everyone else that shares the same philosophy and is willing to follow the same purpose.

Reasons to Join MyLA


We request a good reputation and a high level of professionalism from each member, thus resolve in a very favourable image and prestige for our entire Network.


To GROW: We share help, knowledge and experience between members, because we intend to grow together.

To COLLABORATE: Inside our International network we collaborate with colleagues in cross countries cases and clients, this way we are able to offer a better service to our international customers. We all benefit from the knowledge of Colleagues who are already established in certain markets.

To SHARE: Members are welcomed to contribute with articles and research papers on any particular topic on the legal environment of any particular market, and share the knowledge with the Network.

To LEARN: Members are welcomed to ask for help or advice from the Network in cross countries legislation and legal requirements.


To MEET: Present oneself to other members; find new clients and partners between our members; develop and enlarge each one’s network; and share experience with the newbies.

To CELEBRATE: Our Conference, to be held once per year in different locations, is intended to gather all talents from across the region with leading figures in their respective fields, to share and exchange ideas, to plan future collaborations, and to meet and greet new and old friends.

Marketing & Sales

To WIN: We work together in order to reach more customers. The results are always better when in a Network instead of sole independent professional.

We are aware of the difficulties of reaching potential customers, reason why we have developed a multi-stage strategy in order to reach more customers for our Network.

LEADS: We have developed a full strategy oriented to attract new business for our Network.

We act as a Sales and Development Department for the Members of our Network; our target is generating New business leads, develop New referral sources, Client retention, Cross-selling services, and Manage internal organization (Providing internal customer relationship management programmes to enhance the whole organization and response, and Enhance the reputation and image of our independent Lawyers and related legal professionals).

BUSINESS: We organize visits to Local and International events to present our Network and Professionals to different potential customers, this way we bring more business leads to our Network.

We organize visits to International trade and business associations, financial institutions, and appropriate business organizations in order to present the benefits of an International legal services network.

PARTICIPATION: We organize joint participations to Local or International Fairs for our members. The Fairs represent important stages for our Professionals as it offers the opportunity to participate in important events, at a local or international level, focused on sectorial niches, giving the opportunity to generate important leads to the participating members or even the Network; and all of this while sharing participation and promotion expenses.

MEDIA: Our members would benefit from the media exposure and reports to reach out to new clients, businesses and potential partners, either locally, either in new markets.

ADVERTISING: We advertise together, this way we have access to more resources and are able to use more strength for better results.

And more…*

*Ideas to Collaborate and help each other inside our Network are always welcomed, share yours too.



* To have your profile inserted in MyLA’s web page;

* To receive potential customers from MyLA web page;

* To share Articles in MyLA’s web page;

* To benefit from the Prestige of MyLA Network;

* To present your services to the rest of MyLA Network;

* To be informed about News and Activities specific for our Members;

* To be informed about Projects in your Geographic Area and Specialization, and present interest;

* To participate in Events promoted by MyLA;

* To participate in MyLA Congress Free of charge;

Contact us for more details.

 MyLA International Lawyers Network 

Decided to Join us?

 Request the Form, fill, print and sign it, and send it back to us together with the corresponding documents. We will be back to you in 24-48 hours.

Call or e-mail us, and we will be happy to hear from you. Thank you!

 +34 654 904 735

The MyLA International Lawyers Network is a worldwide organization of Independent Lawyers, Law firms and connected legal professionals that have formed an association for the purpose of collaboration, exchange of information and assistance for International issues.  The members of the Network maintain complete autonomy, perform their professional services on an independent basis, and are not affiliated for the joint practice of law.  The information contained in this Dossier is for informational purpose only, and no contractual obligation will be extended from it. Thank you.

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